July 24, 2009


gile ar..dah lame xwat bnde nie...hehehe

1. Are you usually wide awake in the mornings?
2. How long until you turn 28?
Almost 5 years..y?
3. Are you wearing a ring?
yes,love him!!
4. What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
heehe..ape ek...soya bean
5. If we were to look in your text inbox, what would we find?
Mcm2 ada~
6. Do you cry when you get stung by a bee?
mesti ar...sakit wooo
7. Are your fingernails painted black?
8. Do you have a job?
9. What color are your eyes?
Dark Brown
10. What can't you wait for?
hehehe..secret...tp skang xsbr nk tnggu jam smpi kol 6pm..nk alik!!
11. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
of course close ma~~
12. Are you in an argument with someone important?
Nope~~bkn skang
13. How late did you stay up last night and why?
huuhuhuu..kol 3am, i can't sleep..some1 stole my bantal tido~~
14. What is bothering you right now?
15. How old do you look?
im 23 tp smue igt lbh tue dr itu..coz im look matured n chumels..♥


July 21, 2009

Miss Mailo

tibe2 hati rase sayu...

teringat kat Mailo...

windu sgt2 kat die...

Mailo dah xde...

die sakit pastu mati...

nsb bek die nazak kejap jer..n ak xtgk...

kalo ak tgk gerenti dah melalak kat situ..

dpt tau kat ofis, umie ak kol..

tue pun air mte dah meleleh..

windu sgt2 kat die...

ngan bulu die..ekor kaktus die..nakal die..manje die..

windu nye~~

dah xde kucing peneman tido n main..


sunyi xde Mailo...

love u so much Mailo..

Love Mailo


sy sudah kene demam celceme~~
sudah hr ke-3..
tp yg pasti bkn kerana jangkitan dr sesape..
kne celceme kerana berjemur dibwh sinran matahri selame 3 jam.. (terpakse ade test)
antibodi sy tidak dpt menerime itu~~
nie semua kesan denggi..
denggi!!denggi!!denggi!!... (emosi terlebih T_T)
4 kali kene denggi hbs rosak antibodi sy..huh!!
ntah knpe la nyamuk2 tue suke sgt menghisap darah sy..MANIS agak nye kot..

doakn sy cpt baik..
so far dh agak baik ckit...
dah lame xsakit nie..
last sakit ble ek..
ermm...ermm...ermm.. (pikir2)
jap2...dah igt dah..last sakit bln 3..
thn nie gak..sore throat..
3 hr..jd bisu jap..

tp ble kne sakit nie bgs gak..
br kite pkr cmne nk jg bdn ngan baik..
nk rest kn dr..
rujuk ngan DIA...
sakit pun ade baik gak..bgs2..

psst : love u all ♥♥♥

July 17, 2009

Sorry Guys T_T

sorry guys~~~
mmg xsempat nk updated pe2 pun kat blog nie..
sgt2 bz akhir nie...
t ade mse sy updated ek...
muchh love to all...

July 2, 2009

tHe End oR starting???

maybe this is the end
maybe this is the starting
of everything..